
Psychic visions mainly on Lisa Stebic – Missing mother of two from Plainfield, Illinois.

Psychic visions on Lisa Stebic, Stacy Peterson, and John Spira.  These psychic visions include the location of the remains, and involved persons and their actions prior to their disappearances and after their disappearances.  From what I have seen, the same person killed all three people.  He was a hit man hired to kill each of them.

Welcome to https://whereabouts67.wordpress.com.

I am Laura Burke a039nd I created this blog as a place to publish my visions of, and insights into, the disappearance of Lisa Stebic, Stacy Peterson, and John Spira.  I have spent the past seven and a half years trying to find Lisa Stebic, and the past seven years trying to find answers in the disappearance of Stacy Peterson.  During my psychic sessions on Lisa and Stacy in early 2008, John Spira showed up and has since been included in my search for their remains and my quest to uncover the truth regarding their disappearances.

I will post direct copies from the nineteen journals I have to date.  One journal tells of Riley Fox and what happened to her, one journal is exclusive to my dreams and messages I get about these missing persons from those dreams, another journal was created for James “Whitey” Bulger but is very limited, one journal is specifically notes, a few others for odds and ends type of information, and the remaining 8 journals are exclusively dedicated to Lisa Stebic, Stacy Peterson, and brief visits from John Spira.

I seek only the truth, nothing more and nothing less.  I am less concerned with the flashy looks of the articles and the composition of the writing than I am with the facts and uncovering the truth.  I am only after truth, whatever that truth may be.

My search has not been limited to the psychic realm; I have spent countless hours, days, and months physically searching areas where I feel their remains may be.  Throughout this blog, I will touch base on all areas and link psychic messages with physical locations as best I can.

The single reason I decided to publish my readings was to expand my ability to find these missing persons.  I am nearly resourced out and have very limited support, both financially and physically.  I welcome all productive input, for the goal here is to find the remains of Lisa Stebic, Stacy Peterson and John Spira, and to solve the mysteries surrounding their disappearances.

Many times, I receive a full name of an involved person, and  I have decided to remove those names by blocking them out in the posts in  this blog.  In some instances, I will include the first name received and block out the last name.  In some instances, I have blocked out the entire name for reasons known only to me.  There is one exception, a name I received in a dream, and I chose to leave the full name visible.  If any LE official would like full copies with complete names, please Email me at whereabouts1967@live.com.

*note* 06.23.09 – There is another exception a full name I received that I failed to catch and block out. I didn’t catch it for a few days and then once I did, I felt it was meant to be and so I left it fully exposed to the reader. I don’t know who this person is, I just received the name in association with the missing person/s and documented it.

This page was last updated on 08.04.14.


Laura Burke

All material on this site https://whereabouts67.wordpress.com not covered by other copyright and not explicitly marked as public domain is copyright ©2009-2014 Laura L. Burke

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